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Fiber Co2 laser cutting machine

Views: 11     Author: heyu     Publish Time: 02-05-2021      Origin: laser cutting machine


Second, as a manufacturer of CO2 laser cutting machine with peak power from 2.2 to 6 kW. Real fiber laser devices from 2 to 4 kW. Laser LASER is also asked about the advantages of each type of system. Who's best off for particular applications. As there is always some doubt on the marketplace. We outline below the pros and cons of the two technologies.

1000w laser cutting machine

Briefly, the diode banks are producing a fiber laser. The light is channeled and amplified by a fiber optic cable similar to that used for data transmission in a metal laser cutting system.

Second, illumination is 200 per cent more effective than the conventional CO2 laser. Delivery is also easier. Without costly optical mirrors. The target mirror, unlike the traditional CO2 laser unit.

co2 laser engraving machine

Third, if one examines the price-to-performance ratio of the various versions, the key cutting speed advantage of the higher-power 4 kW laser is between 6 and 8 mm thick in mid-range materials. There are also minor advantages in thickness capability when cutting non-ferrous materials, generally by increasing one gage of paper. This only benefits consumers who cut a lot of material in the range of 6 to 8 mm or who want to cover some eventuality, since it is their only metal laser cutting machine.

CO2 Laser

The drawbacks of fiber relative to CO2 contribute primarily to cutting speed in the handling of thicker materials. Currently over 5 mm. Where the CO2 unit is in a straight line quicker. It also has slightly shorter piercing times at the beginning of the cut. There is also the bonus of a cleaner surface finish for a CO2 unit for cutting tougher materials.

So, occasionally, CO2 laser profilers as well.

First of all. About 70% of fiber laser consumers are subcontractors, while the rest are original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). It's shocking. As one would expect OEMs to be more positive about the decision to buy a fiber laser system. Where the benefits and drawbacks differ significantly, depending on the goods to be sliced. Subcontractors will never be sure what their next job will be. What thickness of the material has to be processed. Theoretically, however, the versatility of the CO2 machine will be more attractive in the metal laser cutting machine.

Second. Just 31 per cent of subcontractors had a single laser profiler since buying a fiber unit. Whereas 69 per cent were multiple laser users and could select which system to operate on, CO2 or fiber.

Third. The biggest explanation for buying a fiber machine was the speed of cutting thin (1 to 2 mm and up to 3 mm) fabrics.

Fourth, sir. The lower operating costs were a significant secondary reason. And lower energy consumption using fiber technology. It was especially important for businesses at the top end of the electrical supply cap in their workplaces.

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