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Laser enters life, laser changes the world

Views: 13     Author: heyu     Publish Time: 02-01-2021      Origin: laser cutting machine


Laser is another positive milestone of the black society since the 20th century after missile power, computers and semiconductors. It is dubbed "the fastest knife" "the most accurate ruler" and "the brightest light" The application area of the laser is very high. At present, laser welding, laser printing, laser cutting, laser decking and lasers heat are the most industrially important applications.

Laser industry applications

Leapion having started a launch system and a CNC router market since 2007. We are a regional supplier of laser cutting instruments,

Laser markers,CNC Router, for specific functions, e.g. posters, advertisements, woodworking furniture.

As an innovative computing technology, laser has made great contributions in the area with high military equipment, such as the fabrication of various fighters and large vessels, and has made indelible contributions to the modernization of national defense. Laser technology has not only played a key role in the area of high-end security devices, it has been a major driving force of societal change since its emergence. Everywhere now, laser technology has been widely used in high-end technology fields such as industry, medical care, science research and intelligence, and is intimately associated to our ordinary activities. Mr. Zhu Baohua, Dean of the Research Institute in Welding Light Source and Senior Engineer at the Han's Laser Precision Welding Department, told MEI, "Laser technology is everywhere in normal need. Jewelry we wear, display cases, iron handles, high-end kitchen utensils, etc. Only laser welding technique is used. Today, laser technology has been integrated into the daily lives of thousands of people."

1. Laser processing system: laser, light propulsion system, computer power tool, control system and detection system

2. Laser processing technology: hacking, drilling, surface treatment, marking, marking, scribing, fine tuning and other processing technologies

Laser welding: sealing devices such as thick and thin auto interior trim, automotive products, sealed relays and various devices that do not authorize welding exposure and deformation.

Laser cutting: auto companies, electrical cabinets, wood knife molds, cutting of specific metal plates and special materials, several metal mesh plates, red tape with tin plates, Bo aluminum alloys, etc.

Laser marking: is frequently used in a number of thicknesses and in all industries.

Leapion Laser will also lead the laser industry, increase scientific and technological development, and make efforts to enrich people's lives and facilitate all walks of life.


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